Lend Us Your Voice

World History Encyclopedia is a non-profit company publishing the world's most-read history encyclopedia. Our mission is to engage people with cultural heritage and to improve history education worldwide. We make history engaging and exciting, delivering the highest-quality articles on ancient history, videos, interactive maps, and news to millions of people from across the globe.

We have thousands of articles that are read by millions of people every month. But not everyone wants to read, many people prefer listening! In order to cater to all learning styles and to make our website more accessible to those with reading difficulties, we are recording our articles. Audio articles are available on our website as well as on Spotify, iTunes and all major podcasting platforms.

Our audio articles need narrators. Lend us your voice, read out our articles and record them. Your voice can make a difference to students with reading difficulties. Your voice can entertain and inform people on their daily commute or on a morning jog.

This position is a volunteer role; you will not get paid for your work. If you can communicate well and you are able to devote at least six hours per week to this position, we’d like to hear from you.


  • You have a good voice and are able to read longer texts fluidly and in an interesting and engaging fashion
  • You have the ability to record high-quality audio with a good microphone and little static interference
  • You can edit and cut your own recordings and mix them with music
  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Strong commitment to WHE’s mission and identity. Passion for history a huge plus.


  • Record readings of our articles
  • Edit, cut and mix your recordings to a professional level of quality
  • Work with our media editors to plan upcoming recordings

Job Snapshot

Job Type
Audio Recording

No requirements

Manages Others

Required Travel
None; virtual home-based position

Volunteer position (none)

How to Apply

Please send your application to editor [at] worldhistory.org including:
  • Motivation letter explaining why you wish to volunteer
  • Recording sample of no more than 1 minute, reading from an article already published on our website
© 2019 World History Encyclopedia

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